Hi, I’m Trichelle.

In 2015 I gave birth to a bouncing baby boy Zechariah who has changed my husband and I lives forever! Loving the fact that I would be having our first boy (we have three older girls) I started to notice during my pregnancy that my good to perfect health was beginning to make a change for the worse.

During my pregnancy, I fought through endless to almost scary fatigue, gestational diabetes, rapid weight gain totaling 60lbs, that I just couldn't seem to lose, and shortly after delivering him, I developed high blood pressure which was diagnosed as preeclampsia and an ailment I had never heard of before called: Pseudotumor Cerebri. YIKES!!!

My Approach


As you can imagine this took me through a lot mentally, physically, and spiritually! However, it was during this time that a friend suggested to me that I start journaling my thoughts and prayers daily as a means to help me get through this joyous yet rough time.


At first it seemed pointless but I took her advice and began writing. I began to write down how I felt daily mentally and physically, this soon began to be a place of refuge for me to tell God exactly how I felt and ask Him for answers and healing. It was one day during my writing and praying that the idea was given to me to begin sharing with other women that may be going through some similar issues about my challenges and what I was doing to combat them through a YouTube channel.


Although I was scared

and I didn't know exactly where to start, how people would perceive me, or even what to say; I took the plunge and hence was the beginning of MyJourneyBack2Health (now The Thick Vegan)!


WHAT STARTED AS JUST A YOUTUBE CHANNEL HAS NOW GROWN INTO A BRAND WHERE our mission is to showcase to women that they can achieve success in their wellness, while reducing the progression of disease by implementing the principles of a vegan lifestyle into their lives. I HAVE BEEN ABLE TO TAKE MY YEARS OF KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCE, GROWTH, AND HEALING TO HELP OTHER women learn HOW TO START THEIR OWN PERSONAL JOURNEY OF RECLAIMING THEIR HEALTH, ENERGY, CONFIDENCE, AND WAISTLINE!

We do this by educating her on how to use one of God’s most powerful gifts of plants to revitalize her wellness and position her body to heal naturally.

I look forward to working with on your journey towards a renewed you!